Monday, November 9, 2009

Get Up

Damn why do i feel like its me against the world? its like no matter how hard a try or that i stay on a path that's right shit always goes left? my name should be cant get right if things keep going in this direction. we all know for every cause there is an effect but what we some times fail to do is change the way we react to that effect cause sometimes that can change your outcome. i have to live by my quote "Survival is the only option" i need to live it and mean it. things may not never go my way but as long as i believe i can get through it than i know i can. You cant complain cause complaining will get you know where cant no one do shit for you but you. So take your destiny by the hand and guide your dreams to come true cause this will not beat me nor will it be the end of me. it will take a lot more thin a sticky situation and a string of bad luck to keep me down cause right now i got to get up!


  1. i feel like sometimes you are put to the order for you not to give up

  2. You try Jesus? You can't give up true. but you can't make it on your own either.

    People in the Bible wanted to give up but they pushed on.
