Friday, December 11, 2009


So most of you are aware that socialscope sent out a long awaited upgrade to its beta tester program for twitter and facebook. well let me say it was worth the wait! the have added support for flicker and foursquares(i have no clue what that is). It also has some great enhancements such as you now can see trending topics and search for people tweeting near you and geo tagging(marking your location of where you were @ when you sent the tweet). Oh but wait there is more lol, now your facebook comments are now in your @ reply section witch is the shit i think and the ui is much sexier than the older version of the application. so if your looking @ me crazy like what is socialscope its a app that will change your life its still in beta so you have to get invited to use it but if you want to request an invite you can go to to do so its for the Android, BlackBerry, and Iphone so hop on it!

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